
Push to Lift Breast Screen Rates of Women from Diverse Cultures

A new BreastScreen NSW billboard at Auburn Train Station is reminding women, particularly those from multicultural communities, to make time for breast screening.


Women in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) have low screening rates and the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute (BCI) and BreastScreen have also arranged an Arabic-speaking event providing information on breast screening in Auburn next week. A similar event is also being planned for the Chinese-speaking community.


Nuha Abdul Razaq and Ying Zhang from Auburn Diversity Services Inc (ADSi), said they were delighted to see a focus on the health of CALD women.


“It is important for ladies to look after their health and have regular mammograms,” Ms Abdul Razaq said.


Ms Zhang says early detection can save lives and they are hopeful a lot of women will attend the sessions.


Westmead BCI director associate professor Nirmala Pathmanathan said it was critical for women aged over 50 to have a mammogram every two years.


“Breast cancers are best treated in their earliest stages and mammograms are the best way of finding breast cancer early,” she said.


Screening clinics are located across Sydney, including Auburn Hospital. Book an appointment via BreastScreen NSW on 13 20 50.


Story originally appeared in Local News Plus